Praying for our Young People

Monday 2nd December, 8pm at West Wickham and Shirley Baptist Church, Wickham Road, Croydon, CR0 8EH. Then the first Monday of every month.

St John’s is pleased to be part of Churches Together in Shirley, sharing opportunities for prayer, and working to bring the Gospel of Peace to our varied communities in Shirley.

West Wickham and Shirley Baptist Church is offering an opportunity to join in prayer for our young adults – specifically our teenagers, those in their twenties, and those who may be older but in need of our prayers still. This initiative is part of an international prayer movement, a response to the Holy Spirit in our family and community lives, called Mothers’ Prayers.

Everyone is welcome to come. Although many will be mothers, others will be carers, foster parents, grandparents, people significant in a young person’s life and anyone with the ‘heart of a mother.’ God is our father and mother, and whatever our gender or role, we all reflect part of that divine desire to nurture and protect those in need of healing, guidance and grace.

Mothers’ Prayers follows a simple set format, aimed at leading those who gather to pray to entrust their young adults to the Lord. If you have a mother-heart for young people making their way in life, please do join in with this prayer group.

It meets on the first Monday of the month, in the Lounge at West Wickham and Shirley Baptist Church, arrive 8pm for a 8.15pm start. The next meeting will be on Monday 2nd December.

For more information, or if anyone is interested in setting up a Mothers’ Prayer Group for younger children, please contact Fay at [email protected]

Growing Disciples

Growing Disciples is our Sunday morning group for children aged between 3 and 11. Children start in church with their families and after a prayer at the beginning of the service they leave with their leaders for their sessions. 

Roots is our group for KS2 children and meets upstairs in the vestry where they explore the gospel reading for the day, play games and do activities. They join the main service before communion. 

Seeds are our younger children. Using material from Diddy Disciples ( the children worship with singing, interactive Bibles stories and activities before coming back to the main church during communion.

Admission to Communion

In the Summer term all children in year two are given the chance to learn more about communion, and if they wish to, they are officially admitted to communion at Pentecost. Any children who already take communion are welcome to do so at St. John’s.

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